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Google Plus Local Features

Google Plus Local pages offer several powerful features focused on helping business owners enhance online presence. These features allow users to easily find, rate, and recommend great businesses. This information will explain how to take advantage of Google Plus Local to increase your business.

Google Plus Local Tab

Google Plus now features a “Local” tab located on the sidebar. The tab takes users to the Google+ Local platform, where they can find local businesses in the niche they are seeking. As they click the listing, the Google Plus Local Page is displayed with information like product photos, Zagat reviews and scores, as well as contact information.

Google Plus Local Features ZagatGoogle Plus Local: Zagat Review System

In September 2011, Google acquired Zagat Survey. This allowed Google to integrate over 35,000 reviews to the Google Plus community.

Zagat presents a overview of consumer reviews and an comprehensive scoring model determined by several factors. Now, every Google Plus Local page will have Zagat reviews and scores directly associated with the business.

The business ratings are scored are scale of 30 points, which is comprised of an average of individual ratings by reviewers. There’s a summary near the top of the listing, which is aggregated from highlights accumulated from reviews by users. This helps users in the decision making process of choosing area businesses.

Zagat’s Google Plus Local Scores

Scores on Google Plus Local are established by user reviews; these ratings are based on a 0-3 point scale:

  • 3 = Excellent
  • 2 = Very Good
  • 1 = Good
  • 0 = Poor to Fair

The scores are then averaged and multiplied by 10 to obtain an average score:

  • 26-30 = Extraordinary to Perfect
  • 21-25 = Very Good to Excellent
  • 16-20 = Good to Very Good
  • 10-15 = Fair to Good
  • 0-9 = Poor to Fair

This is the most powerful features of Google Plus Local. Conventional advertising methods can’t compete with the built-in customer reviews that provide helpful and trusted information such.

This Zagat technology helps consumers decide which local businesses is best for them. For example, a restaurant that has excellent food, may have poor service. With the Zagat system, the restaurant might score is “27 for Food” but only “9 for Service.” Depending on the user’s preferrences, the Google Plus Local system will enable them to make their ideal choice.

Google Plus LocalMore Google Plus Local Features

Improved Images

For businesses that use pictures to promote their products or services, Google Plus Local Pages is a big upgrade. Google Plus Local allows users to post large images, optimizing a more visual strategy. This makes it easier to showcase the business and market to your audience.

Search Engine Ranking and Indexing

Search engines now index Google Plus Local Pages, which increases opportunities because the former Google Places pages were not indexed. Google Plus Local Pages has a large social aspect and Google’s algorithm is increasing integrating these social signals. This implies that reviews on Google Plus Local will positively affect ranking with the search engine. This trend means that the more socialization involved in a business’s online marketing campaign, the more exposure the business will enjoy from search engines. This makes Google Plus Local a vital tool in gaining attention of potential customers.

Sharing with Plus 1’s

Users are now able share infomation with their contact by using a +1 button on local business pages. The +1 is a public stamp of approval for companies and products that Google Plus users like. This important feature adds to the appearance of your page in search results. When a person gives you a +1, the business page will appear to the user’s contacts. Google has simply turned word of mouth into a digital powerhouse. It’s no secret that there is no stronger promotional tool than a customers’ word of mouth.

Google Map Integration

Google Maps is also integrated with Google Plus Local pages. The Maps allow customers to see the business location . If your company operates with multiple locations, Google Maps makes sure they find the closest physical store.

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