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15 Oct / 2013

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If you have a business on the web, you obviously want it to succeed. One thing that you have to do is to learn all you can about Reputation management. If executed properly, this channel of marketing can help give your business the boost that it needs. This is not hard to learn. You can start by reading the following article for more information on how to make Reputation management work for you.

Online Reputation Management Tips for Businesses

No one is born with Reputation management knowledge. This must be studied, learned and practiced. Numerous books have been written on the subject. There is no shortage of experts who are eager to share their wisdom through webinars or workshops. You can find online tutorials and helpful guides on the web. You may even want to look into marketing classes offered at your local college to see if they address Reputation management. The bottom line is that you should learn all you can to become the best in it.

Reputation ManagementYou need to create a plan of attack. Ask yourself what it is that you want to accomplish? Do you want to grow your customer base? Do you want to cultivate current customer relationships? Perhaps you are planning for product enhancements. Whatever your priorities are, you should write out a plan of execution. This plan will help you stay on track toward your goal.

When you want to expand your business, you cannot avoid the need to invest. Not much is available for free anymore. Good, reliable information often comes with a cost. For instance, if a well-known Reputation management guru is offering a seminar on strategy building, and the seminar has a fee, you should consider attending. This is an investment into your company’s future. So, you should be willing to take an investment risk.

Do not delay in coming up with a strategy. Marketing on the web is very competitive. Thousands of websites are vying for the attention of web users. If you do not have a good strategy, you can get lost in the crowd. If you wait too long, your competitor will get ahead of you. So, waste no time in creating a effective strategy.

Online Reputation Management and Reputation Marketing

Once you have your plan laid out, you should execute it. Keep track of its progress to see if your plan is achieving the goals that were set forth. If you notice that results are veering off track, get back on track. Stay focused and flexible. If you see that something is definitely not working out, you should modify your strategy right away.

Round up support from your family and friends. Marketing can take a lot out of you. Once in while, you will need some verbal encouragement to get yourself over the humps.

Keeping all of this useful information in mind, you should see that success in Reputation management is very possible if you approach it correctly. Reputation management is constantly evolving, and to be successful, you have to evolve with it. Only then can you stay competitive and ahead of your game.

12 Oct / 2013
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What kind of Reputation management strategies do you use to promote your brand or business? If you are not getting the results you want, it is time to look for ways to improve your techniques. Keep reading for some useful information on Reputation management strategies that can help you be more successful.

Online Reputation Management Strategies

Are your strategies adapted to your audience? You need to define who your customers are and get to know them. Do some research on their online shopping habits. Customers will be more likely to purchase from you if you present information in a way that is relevant to the way these customers do some online shopping. Use surveys to learn more about your audience and use a variety of techniques if you have a very diverse audience.

Online Review Communicating with your customers can influence their choice. A customer will be more likely to purchase a product after you answer their questions. You can also influence customers’ choices by putting a human face on your brand, for instance by sharing some pictures of yourself and your employees at work or by creating a video blog. A lot of online stores do not have this personal touch and some customers dislike online shopping because of the lack of human interactions.

Building value for your products will help you convince your customers. You can build value for an item by writing a good description, sharing pictures of the product and drawing attention to features. Create some videos to demonstrate or test your products. Some customers are not interested in online shopping because they cannot see or touch products and videos are an excellent way to convince these customers. You should also look into building value for your products by developing a strong branding strategy.

It is very important to stay in touch with your customers. You should offer customers different ways to subscribe to your updates. Use email updates if your customers check their emails regularly. Social media updates are a great way to share information with your customers if you find that they use social networks at least once a day and are likely to connect with their favorite brands on these sites.

Online Reputation Management Strategies – Marketing Business

You need to have some goals for your Reputation management campaign. If you do not have clear goals for your campaign yet, test several strategies so you can measure the interest you get from your audience. You can then decide on the goals you want to work on. Your goals should be reasonable and you should give yourself plenty of time to meet them. You can measure your success by assessing how many products you sell thanks to your Reputation management campaign, by counting how many new customers you reach out to or keeping track of how many subscribers you get.

These Reputation management strategies will help you develop a successful campaign. Your Reputation management campaign will yield great results if your techniques are adapted to your market and if you always look for ways to improve your strategies.

11 Oct / 2013
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Collecting reviews about customer experience is an excellent method of staying in touch with how your company is doing, both the good and bad. It also plays a large role in new customer acquisition. Martin Zwilling writes about Customer Experience in a column on

“Many startups and mature businesses have not yet adapted to the fact that customer satisfaction in this “always connected” age is more than product and service quality. It’s more about which customers broadcast their pleasure or unhappiness to others. With incredible ease, they can influence thousands or millions of potential new customers, or say nothing.”

Customer Experience: Basics of Loyalty

Zwilling quotes Larry Freed’s book “Innovating Analytics” in discussing four basics of business loyality:

  1. Customer retention is priority number one. Keeping your current customers is one of the most important keys to revenue growth. According to Inc. magazine, acquiring a new customer costs about five to nine times more than it does to sell to an existing one, and on average, current customers spend 67% more than new ones.
  2. Customer upsell, selling more to existing customers. Selling more to loyal customers is a great success strategy. But to engender loyalty, you have to be delivering a good experience and keep satisfaction high. Existing customers today are fickle and will leave you quickly, if they get word-of-mouth negative messages from their connected sources.
  3. Marketing-driven customer acquisition. Traditional marketing efforts (advertising and promotions) are still important. In this context, the palette of channels for reaching customers has greatly expanded, to now include social media, digital to mobile, and new Internet options. The challenge is to measure resources spent against return.
  4. Word-of-mouth driven customer acquisition. The new dominant method of acquisition is engagement of potential customers through social media and key influencers, and converting these prospects into customers with a satisfying experience. Here the satisfaction experience does double duty, as it is messaged down-line to other prospects.

Customer Experience

Social Sharing and Customer Experience

He then goes on to discuss how the customer experience impacts companies in the era of social sharing:

“Today, true loyalty, earned by incredible experiences and satisfaction, also does that double duty of bringing in multiple additional customers through broadcast and interaction with the huge connected community.[…]

Another reality is that today’s consumers are multichannel, sometimes termed “omnichannel.” This simply means that they may start a product search on a computer at work, continue on their home computer, visit a store for touch and feel activity, then close the transaction on their smartphone. That really complicates the measuring process.

Others are walking the aisles in one store, while scanning for better deals on their smartphone in other stores or online. Concurrently, they are asking for the experiences of the community through FourSquare or Yelp, and broadcasting their own experiences on Facebook and Twitter.

The common thread here is quality of the customer experience, more so than the quality of customer service, and the impact of that experience on other current and potential customers. Simple customer satisfaction surveys and analytics miss several of these dimensions, and simply are not adequate any more.”

Online customer reviews offer a great channel to market your business. If you are not actively requesting feedback, your business is missing opportunities to grow its base. Learn more about the benefits of a customer review strategy.

11 Oct / 2013
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How to Sell Your Business

Reputation management is not a new trend, but it can certainly boost your business. There are numerous ways that marketing your business online can work for your company. However, it is up to you to determine which methods yield the best results. The following article was written to explain the different ways you can sell your business online with success.

It is important that you don’t just rely on Reputation management alone to do the trick. Too many companies assume that just because they have a good reputation marketing plan in motion they don’t have to focus on marketing offline. Offline marketing isn’t as popular as it once was, but posting an ad in the local newspaper or printing out flyers can still be just as conducive to your business as Facebook or your blog.

Sell Your BusinessIn such a business oriented world, it is not easy to stand out from the rest of the crowd. Undoubtedly you are selling items that thousands of other businesses are already selling. This makes it important that you figure out how you can stand out in your niche. What makes your business unique? Why should someone buy from your company? You can’t have a good marketing plan unless you can answer those questions.

Instead of focusing on selling your products, educate your customers why they would want to buy your products. You want to create a need for your products or services. People don’t need something unless you raise awareness as to what your products can do for them to make their lives more entertaining or simpler. Use videos and blog tutorials to educate your audience.

Make it clear to your customers why they need your product or service. It is not enough to create a website to sell your business. You need to give your customers a reason to buy from you. It should be obvious to consumers what you are offering and they shouldn’t need to guess as to the results.

Use The Internet To Sell Your Business

Don’t differentiate between experts and novices. For example, if you run an online music store, provide products for both parties. Just because you are an expert musician, it doesn’t mean that novices wouldn’t be willing to spend just as much money in your store as an expert.

Never use free hosted email addresses. Most businesses that use Hotmail or Yahoo accounts for business just seem unprofessional and less trustworthy. You want your business to appear solid and you need your customers to trust you. Start gaining their trust by creating an email address that has the same ending as your website domain. People are less likely to believe you are spamming them this way.

Reputation management is a sure way to raise awareness of sell your business and services. However, as with all forms of advertising, you need to be able to attract the attention of potential consumers. This article has discussed some simple ways that you can reap the benefits of Reputation management with some simple effort invested on your part, so use your new knowledge to your advantage!

08 Oct / 2013
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Promote your brand online should help you sell more products. Are you looking for a way to develop your online presence? Go over the following article for some useful tips.

How to Promote your Brand online?

A quality website is a great way to share useful information about your products. You should use your website to create an online version of your catalog. Create a product page for all your items. Take some good pictures of your products and write descriptions. Add some reviews written by your customers and try creating videos so you can demonstrate your products. Make sure your website is easy to navigate, for instance by adding shopping suggestions to each product page.

BrandTry getting more traffic for your site. You can get more visitors by sharing your content as much as possible. Write quality articles and share them on article directories with links to your site. You could also share links to your content on different message boards where you are active on a regular basis. Promote your brand online publications and perhaps some of your articles will be published with links to your pages.

Look for ways to make your Reputation management campaign more interactive. Using social media to communicate with your audience is a great way to give your audience a chance to interact with you. Share updates that will make subscribers react and let your audience know you appreciate their feedback. Organize some contests to get your audience share their content with you. You could for instance ask customers to share pictures of the products they bought by posting them on social media and tagging your page in these pictures. Give a free product to the customers who shared the best pictures.

Give your customers the possibility to subscribe to your updates. You should use different platforms to share updates with your audience. Share information about your discounts and your products on social media, via email alerts or on your official message board. You should let your audience know about your different campaigns. Mention these campaigns on your homepage, share links to the subscription form for your email marketing campaign and make sure you let your customers know they can subscribe to your social media updates if you get a chance to meet them.

How to Easily Build and Promote Your Brand Online

Your Reputation management campaign will be a success if you have some clear goals. If you are not sure how your audience will react to your campaign, launch it and keep track of your results. Decide on the goals you want to accomplish in function of the results you get. Monitor your results closely, for instance by counting the number of products you sell thanks to promote your brand online presence or by keeping track of how many potential customers you interact with.

These five Reputation management strategies will help you get good results. Keep in mind that developing a successful Reputation management strategy can take some time. Do not give up if you do not get good results from your campaign right away.

07 Oct / 2013
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If you have been in any type of business for a while, you are probably aware of the impact that the Internet has made on all aspects of business over the past many years. Reputation management has gone mainstream. In the past, traditional marketing methods ruled the industry. This included marketing through print, radio and TV ads and at major events. Along came Reputation management that added a whole new level of promotion. Companies are able to reach out to an audience all over the world, and it does not depend on how big the company is. If you are interested in learning how to make the most out of Reputation management, this article will help you with some of the basics.

Reputation Management Basics for Local Businesses

Marketing on the Internet can take many forms. Your goals is to take advantage of the web browsing habits of the consumers and reach out to them with your marketing message. Effective marketing goes where the people go. The Internet is a big place. If you know the surfing habits of your target audience, you are in a good position to do some serious promoting.

Reputation ManagementReputation management is really not about how technically savvy you are. You do not need high computer skills. Basic marketing concepts that are the foundation of all types of marketing programs are still relevant with Reputation management.

Take Reputation management via email, for instance. There is a lot of similarities between email marketing and traditional direct marketing. Both methods send out mail at strategic times when it is deemed a good time for a promotion. The content of the mail is usually an announcement of a special discount. With email marketing, there are advantages. It costs you almost nothing to send out the promotional emails to your subscribers. You can include links to your website to give your audience instant gratification if they want more information. So, Reputation management definitely has its advantages.

Any company, big or small, can benefit from Reputation management. Budget is not an issue unless you are hiring a marketing consultant to execute your program. On the Internet, a small company can appear quite large depending on how its services are promoted. You just have to make your website professional looking so your potential clients will know that you are serious.

Basics of Social Media Reputation Management

Social media is the newest wave in Reputation management. What better way to spread the word about your business than to give an incentive to your current customers for sharing your company with his social network. Learn about different types of social media platforms and see how they can be applied to your business.

When you are ready to start, write down a plan. Describe your Reputation management strategy and set some goals. If all of this is just too new for you, you can hire a marketing consultant to help acclimate you to Reputation management.

These are just a few basic concepts behind Reputation management. See how these suggestions can be applied to your own business.

04 Oct / 2013
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Are you new to selling products on the Internet? Take a few minutes to go over this article to learn more about Reputation management.

Selling Internet Products

Before launching your Reputation management campaign, make sure your customers are likely to shop online. If your target audience can easily find more affordable products in stores or prefers trying the products before purchasing anything, you will have to target a different audience. Learn more about the sites your customers already use to shop online. You will probably compete against these sellers in the future.

Consider listing your products on major shopping websites. A lot of popular shopping websites give you the possibility to create an account and list your own products. This is an excellent way to get started if your brand is not easily recognizable. Customers will see your products featured on a popular site and feel safer about having their payment processed through a site they trust. This is a great way to constantly get new customers interested in your items since a huge number of shoppers check these sites.

InternetFigure out a way to safely process payments. Customers will purchase products from your own website if they feel that their payment information is well protected. Sign up for PayPal or for a similar service so you can accept credit card payments. Most customers know about PayPal and will feel safe about sharing their payment information through this service. Encourage customers to contact you directly if they have questions or concerns about their order.

Give customers plenty of details about the way you process orders. You need to show that you work efficiently and care about providing a quality service. Invest in excellent shipping supplies so your products are protected and explore different shipping options to figure out what they most affordable solution is. Create an FAQ section on your site to provide customers with helpful information about the way you process orders.

How to start selling on the Internet

Do your best to present your products in a positive way. It is sometimes hard to convey your excitement about a product in an article or product description. If you have a hard time with writing good product descriptions, do the best you can and create some videos in which you demonstrate the product so you can truly convey your excitement for the item. Ask your customers to write reviews so you can feature their point of view on your site.

Help potential customers find your products. You should learn more about search engine optimization to create web pages that will rank high in search results. You should not hesitate to purchase ad space on popular website or share your articles as much as possible on message boards, article directories or internet encyclopedias. Always look for new ways to create links to your content in places where potential customers will notice these links.

Follow these different strategies to get started with Reputation management. Selling products internet is easier if you know your audience well and can adapt to their needs and habits.

29 Sep / 2013

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If you just sit there and try to copy others in your Reputation management campaign, then you won’t get very far. You have to make sure that you’re putting your own spin on things so that you can attract people due to your originality. Here you’re going to find some advice on how to do this, so follow along.

Reputation Management Forum

Find an Reputation management forum or group where you can speak with others about what they have found to be effective in their marketing campaigns. When you do sign up to work with a group, you have to be sure that you’re aware of the rules. Some places aren’t going to allow you to do things like put links to your page anywhere on their forums. You don’t want to build up a good network only to have to get banned because you weren’t following the rules. Save yourself the trouble and go over the rules right before you make your first post.

Reputation ManagementTry to find some blogs that are updated regularly and go over the topic of Reputation management. You want to find someone that writes in a style that’s easy to understand and that goes over information that you can actually use. Don’t just get on blogs that have something to sell you. Chances are most Internet marketers are going to be blogging because in the background they’re selling their products, but the whole blog shouldn’t just be something that’s begging you to buy something.

When you spot a good idea it’s important to make that idea your own and not to copy it completely. Since most people are connected to the Internet all the time in this day and age, they can easily look up what you’re doing to see if you took your idea from somewhere else. Don’t get caught like that and if you do have to use something from somewhere else, only do so after you get the person’s permission. There should be a way to contact someone on every website you go to, so do that when you need content that isn’t yours to begin with.

Reputation Management: News

Always be on the lookout for news about the world of Reputation management. Sign up for technology sites or other sites that often have information about what’s going on with this form of marketing. See what kinds of technologies are about to be released that you can start to use before they become more popular. Don’t be afraid to try new things out before anyone else just in case they catch on for some reason. It’s always good to be one step ahead of everyone else in this form of marketing.

By getting to know Reputation management from people that have used it successfully, you should be able to do well with it. Take all of the things you’ve learned here into consideration, and the sky will be the limit. Just have some patience and watch things fall into place for you in the end.

26 Sep / 2013
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This week the news was filled with reports of a Fake Customer Reviews sting conducted by the New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman. He was able to compel 19 companies to cease their practice of writing fake reviews for businesses and to pay more than $350,000 in penalties. This action was done to protect both unsuspecting consumers and other businesses.

Buying Fake Reviews: 6 Things to Know if You’re Tempted

In the wake of this crackdown, Michael Fertik wrote an article to help business owners better understand legal and ethical practices regarding customer reviews. Fertik offers reasons why fake reviews don’t have the value you might expect as well as good tips on how to address your customers. Here is an excerpt:

“The review ecosystem is valuable to consumers because it relies on you and me to give others like us helpful insight on thousands of different businesses. The system works because we trust that what we’re reading is from real people. But when false reviews are prevalent, they poison this great ecosystem, eroding trust, making it less likely we’ll want to read or write reviews. That’s a shame because reviews don’t just help consumers–they help businesses, too.

Good businesses get this. They know they can identify what’s working and what’s not working from review content. They understand that they’ll see emerging trends, enabling quick course correction, or be able to pinpoint the practices that are working well–all on the basis of strong feedback. And they know that if they’re doing good things for their customers, genuinely positive reviews will spur additional welcome growth.

Fake ReviewsIt’s OK to ask for reviews

Smart businesses know the importance of reviews. They know consumers are actively relying on them to make purchasing decisions. In fact, four out of five consumers have changed their minds about a product or service based on negative online information. And if a company has been in business for more than a couple of years–especially with repeat customers–they are doing something right. But in many industries, reviews don’t happen organically or at the large volume required for a credible review rating. That’s why it’s more than smart –it is crucial–for businesses to invite their customers to review them.

When you get reviews, pay close attention to them

Smart businesses look at reviews from different platforms. They know that multiple review sites are pertinent to them–but some may be especially useful–and they act accordingly. These companies also know that it’s not enough to monitor just a parent location. If multiple locations exist, they all must be regularly managed. And review sites also offer critical intelligence about competitors. Understanding what people do and don’t like about a competitor–in their own words–helps these businesses develop more effective strategies to triumph in the market.

It’s never OK to pay for reviews in any way

More reviews from real customers translate into a review profile that is more accurate and trustworthy. It’s legitimate for businesses to ask their customers for feedback online–as long as it’s done in the right way. They should not incentivize customers to leave feedback; coupons, free products or services are to be discouraged. Offering customers money for a review or paying someone else to write reviews is the wrong path.

Some blue-chip companies have a long history of paying for surveys. In my opinion, even that is generally to be discouraged. The right way to get reviews is simply to make it as easy as possible to get feedback without resorting to incentives. Instead, good businesses explain to customers why online feedback matters so much. They ask clients to share their honest experiences on the review sites that matter most to the company.

Ethics matter

All businesses should be governed by ethics, a framework that helps them carefully navigate tricky waters and make good decisions. If they choose to use the services of an online reputation management company, they work with one that adheres to strict and clearly articulated ethical guidelines. They’ll interview these companies carefully and ask tough questions to make sure their selection is correct. They’ll ask if the online reputation management company has formal ethical guidelines and what they are, if they engage in astroturfing and other deceptive practices, if they have rules on which customers they’ll serve.

Empowering employees is just smart business

What’s a bad sign? When a company says it will do “whatever it takes” to get results. If you’re a great business, you know that a no-limits, “whatever it takes” approach usually leads to choices that ultimately damage you. Engineering fake reviews falls squarely within that category. Conversely, a good company gets that a short-term gain is a long-term loss when achieved via questionable means. Instead, it reinforces its ethical guidelines and operating standards regularly with employees, particularly in departments with high turnover and, consequently, new faces.”

Customer Review Strategy with Review Leap

Review Leap is dedicated to helping your business create a review strategy that conforms to both ethical concerns and legal requirements.

23 Sep / 2013
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How to make your website look professional?

Your website is usually the first impression your potential clients and customer get of you and your business. You need to make sure you have a website that is professional and attractive. This is a key to running a successful Reputation management campaign. Here are some suggestions to help you make sure your website design is professional and appealing.

First of all, if you are not a pro at coding, do not try to design the site yourself. Websites are much more flashy and feature-filled now than they were years ago. If you only have a rudimentary understanding of html code, your skills are not up to par with what is required now. Leave it to a professional to write the code for your site, and you will end up with a much more professional looking website.

Make sure your content and your design are up to date. Nothing turns a visitor off and more quickly than having an antiquated looking style and design on your web pages. Make sure you are using the latest design features on your website so that it looks fresh and current. Also, make sure the terms and phrasing you use on your site is not obsolete and dating you. The people who visit your site need to see that you are up with current technology and terms so they know they can trust you and will want to do business with you.

ProfessionalMake sure your site is put together in an organized and orderly manner. You don’t want your visitors hunting around too long to find the information they need. They will become frustrated and move on to another site. Put clear tabs in your headers that help guide customers to the most commonly needed information so they can find what they are looking for easily.

Do not publish any content to your site until you have double and triple checked it for errors. Nothing makes a worse impression than finding a typo on a web page. If you are trying to give the impression of being a professional, then you definitely have to make sure that your site is not riddled with spelling and grammar errors.

Speak in an authoritative tone that establishes you as an expert in your area. People expect professionals to use their sites to educate and inform visitors about the site’s topic. If you want people to view you as a professional they can turn to for reliable information on your niche, you need to post content that shows them you are knowledgeable in the field.

Do not put a lot of content on your site that is merely fluff and filler and adds no value to the customer. Your visitors come to your site to learn about your particular product or company. They do not want to sift through a bunch of irrelevant content to get to the meat of the matter.

Make sure your website offers the option to use PayPal for making payments. Many people refuse to use credit cards for online purchases, or they may only be able to use PayPal for their payments. Not offering this option excludes a great number of potential customers.

In order to run a successful Reputation management campaign, it is vital that you present your business in a professional way. One of the main ways to do so is by making sure you have a website that looks professional and well designed. The design and style of your website is the place to begin when you are considering launching your Reputation management campaign.

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