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Building A Positive Consumer Data List Via Social Media Sites

01 Jul / 2013
Author: Blog Editor Tags: Comments: 0

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There is nothing more disappointing than buying a list of consumer data only to find out the percentage of willing recipients is too small to justify costs. Unfortunately, for every email that goes in the spam folder or trash, you also throw your money away, never to be recovered. This article will tell you how to get consumer data, you need and allow you to build a list for future campaigns of nothing but interested parties. It is far better to have a few hundred that are interested in you and what you offer than 1000 angry consumers who never heard of you before. Continue reading to learn how to build a strong email list and improve your chances of revenue generation.

Ways To Get Consumer Data

Building A Positive Consumer Data List Via Social Media Sites

Consumer Data

One of the easiest ways to get consumer data is simply by asking for content to be submitted to the site. Maybe these are guest articles or suggestions for site improvement. The way to ensure that people take part in a campaign like this is to make it a contest where the best submission or submissions, win a small gift or discount. People love to win gifts and this is a great way to keep them coming back for more as you have just endeared yourself to them.

One way to keep a strong list of willing campaign recipients is to respect their privacy. Never sell someones data or give it to a partner. Most people today will create a new email address for things like this and the minute they get spammed, you have lost the trust of the consumer data. It’s simply not worth a few pennies for the data when you could be risking far more in revenue from a person who was interested enough to give you the information you requested. Once their privacy has been violated, thanks to the speed of web based communities spreading information, you will be all over conversations as a spammer or someone who illegally sold their data. It’s not worth it and you should respect them enough to keep the data to yourself.

Social Media Sites and Consumer Data

Make sure that you adhere to the rules of Facebook and Twitter when using these sites to gather data through a contest. The last thing you need is to be reported by someone for spamming and have your page suspended. You have the opportunity to post links to your site on these pages to get traffic flowing, so do not risk it by pushing the terms and conditions envelope.

If you are running a contest on a site like Twitter or Facebook, make sure that you ask for one Tweet or Like per user. The reason for this is that it can become a nightmare trying to sort out who sent what and it’s not a raffle where the odds increase for those who post the most. You want your contest to be about quality offers for the prize, not repetitive spamming.

Finally, you need to promote the winner on your site. This ensure that others know the contest was real and not just an attempt to mine data. Post any comments the winner makes and let the social community know that you are more than your average fly by night internet entrepreneur.

Following the suggestions above will ensure that you build a list of willing marketing recipients, eliminating all the dead data we often receive in lists that are paid for. Keep the consumer data privacy in mind and they will allow you into their circle of trust, guaranteeing they continue to return and hopefully take advantage of the products and services you offer.

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