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19 Feb / 2014
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Steps To A Successful Online Reputation Management Campaign

 Reputation Management CampaignMaking your Reputation management campaign more interactive will help you generate more sales. Keep reading if you want to learn more about the techniques you can implement to achieve this.

Give your customers the possibility to contact you. You should list your contact information on your website and make people feel comfortable about sending you questions or even complaints. Give people the possibility to email you, call you or send you a message on social networks. Take the time to answer to everyone and be as helpful as possible.

Ask your audience for feedback by using surveys. You can get more people to take surveys if you offer an incentive. You could for instance share a coupon code with the customers who take the time to answer to your survey or have a giveaway and send free products to a few participants chosen at random. Go over the results of your surveys carefully and use your findings to improve your reputation management campaign.

Consider creating videos or a Podcast. Writing articles is a great way to share information but videos or a Podcast will give you the possibility to address your audience more directly. You could for instance ask your customers to send you their questions and answer to a few selected questions in your weekly videos. Explore the Google Hangout platform as well if you are interested in having some Q&A sessions with your audience.

Use social media as much as possible if your customers are likely to check social networks on a daily basis. You should share content that will encourage your audience to react. Look for updates your subscribers will want to share with their friends or respond to. Ask questions, encourage people to share their opinion or share entertaining content. Let your subscribers know they can tag you in a post to ask you a question or simply share some feedback on their experience with your products.

Managing a Business Reputation Management Campaign

Create a message board for your customers. A message board will allow your customers to ask questions, meet people who share their interests and interact with you. Check your message board at least once a day and take the time to answer to the questions you see. Do your best to provide your customers with an environment where they can safely express themselves. Start new discussions regularly and encourage members to start their own discussions too.

Use emails to interact with your audience. Send out automated emails to confirm purchase and ask for feedback. Encourage customers to send you emails if they have questions or want to complain about a product they ordered. You should also send out mass emails to your subscribers. You can send a monthly newsletters with links to some of your articles or choose to send shorter email alerts to keep your audience informed about new discounts or products.

These useful tips should help you make your Reputation management campaign more interactive. Keep track of how many customers you interact with and try increasing this number.

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